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Image by Rusty Watson


The Connecticut Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offending is a multi-disciplinary professional association serving the welfare of the community by promoting safe, effective, and humane responses to  children and adults with problem sexual behaviors.

About Connecticut Association for the Treatment of Sexual Offending

In 1983, CATSO grew out of the Sex Offender Treatment Provider's Network, created by a group of treatment providers who were beginning to specialize in the assessment and treatment of people with problem sexual behaviors. Members met on a monthly basis to exchange information, resources and facilitate further trainings. In 1990, the name was changed to reflect the broader purposes of promoting community safety through specialized assessment and treatment of people with problem sexual behaviors in Connecticut.

CATSO members believe that community safety concerns will always be have the highest priority for professionals who specialize in the assessment and treatment of people with problem sexual behaviors. 

CATSO providers are committed to working with other providers, community agencies and the criminal-justice system, to provide a comprehensive response to offenders with problem sexual behaviors. We are made up of mental health and allied professionals who recognize the importance of providing up-to-date, effective assessment and treatment services to children, adolescents and adults who engage in problem sexual behaviors. CATSO strives to assist professionals and community service providers in forming multi-faceted responses to the serious problem of sexual abuse. In addition to providing services to individuals with problem sexual behaviors, CATSO also works with families and friends, and with representatives of the community-at-large.

CATSO is a resource for professional development through professional communication, continuing education and guidance in setting effective standards for client assessment and treatment services. Beginning in 2000, CATSO representatives joined stakeholders on the Sexual Offender Policy Advisory Committee and this group drafted a set of standards for the assessment and treatment of sexual offenders.

CATSO provides a set of ethical principles specific to the unique circumstances that arise in the assessment and treatment of people with problem sexual behaviors. CATSO's ethical guidelines crafted within the ethical guidelines of the specialized provider's mental health or addictions treatment discipline, and statutory reporting laws.

CATSO members seek to further the public's recognition that special training and expertise are critical to effectively treat people with problem sexual behaviors. CATSO providers coordinate their services with the services of other professionals, and work to further the public awareness of the importance of specialized treatment for people with problem sexual behaviors.

Become a Member Today!

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