Events & Directions
CATSO Trainings and Training Location
Trainings are held on a quarterly basis. CATSO Members are required to attend two trainings per year through CATSO, ATSA or MASOC/MATSA to maintain good standing with CATSO.
Next training:
January 17, 2025
10 - 1:00pm
Parkville Market - Hartford, CT
Sexual Wellbeing: Why It Matters for Those Who Have Committed Sexual Harm
Presenter: Jane Fleishman, PhD, MEd, AASECT Certified Sexuality Educator
Come back soon for our 2025 Training Calendar!
Training with David Prescott, LCSW
Friday, October 20, Join the Board to welcome David Prescott, LCSW for a discussion on the assessment and treatment of adolescents and young adults
Training: Risk Assessments
July 21, 2023 10:00 a.m.
Stephanie Donovan, Director of The Center for the Treatment of Problem Sexual Behaviors and Dr. George Geysen will present
Annual Training
Training 10:00 - noon
Luncheon 12 - 1:00 - $50 fee
David Greenfield, PhD Dr. Greenfield is the founder and medical director of The Center for Internet and
Technology Addiction and former Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine where he taught Addiction Medicine,
Sexual Medicine, and supervised residents in psychiatry will discuss the affects of the internet: gaming, pornography and addictive use on the adolescent and developing mind.
Location for trainings
September 16, 2022
Presenter: Eileen Redden, CATSO President
CATSO, CSSD and Parole met for discussions on treatment and supervision of mutual clients. Ms. Redden discussed treatment approaches and best practices in working with our clients.
September 17, 2021
Dr. David Greenfield
Treatment of Internet and pornograpy addiction.
This was a follow up training to his presentation to Members and Professional Partners on Internet Addiction and implications in our work.
March 19, 2021
Dr. David Greenfield
The Internet is Made for Porn:
Implications of the Pornification of Human Sexuality
Founder and Medical Director, The Center for Internet and Technology Addiction
Consulting Medical Director, Greenfield Center @ LIfeskills
Former, Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, University of Connecticut, School of Medicine
Addiction and Behavioral Medicine
ABPP Board Certified
www.virtualaddiction.com www.greenfieldcenter.com
Founder and Clinical Director, The Center for Internet and Technology Addiction
Medical Director, Greenfield Recovery Center
Author of: "Virtual Addiction"
June 2020
Dr. Leslie Lothstein's, ABPP, CGP, Fellow APA - training September 18 is on Unsilencing the Forensic Patient: Deceit in the Consultation Room Unsilenced. Asking the question: "So what don't you want to talk about or feel today?" Using the Novel, The Silent Patient, by Alex Michaelides, as a way of understanding the multiple roles of silence in the forensic process.
February 21, 2020
Dr. Michael Christie is a Chaplain in the Deprtment of Correction and graduated from New York Theoretical Seminatry with a Masters in Divinity. He received his Doctorate of Ministry degree at Hartford Seminary. He is a certified Mindfulesness Meditation teacher and a member of the International Teachers Association. Dr. Christie is a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming and trained in Nonviolent Communication, EFT, relationship counselng. He teaches mindfulness for addiction, trauma, stress and community.
Dr. Christie discussed how to expand our self-care tools and resources and explore resources from the discipline of mindfulness and nonviolent communication.
December 6, 2019 -
Annual Meeting we welcome Dr. Joseph Plaud, Forensic Clinical Psychologist of Applied Behavioral Consultants, LLC who will speak on The science of Sex Offender Risk Prediction: Promises and Pitfalls.
We want to thank Dr. Joseph Plaud's presentation on December 6, 2019 for our Annual Meeting. Dr's Plaud's power point below: